What do you fill the chillers / cooling units with?
We fill 5l dist. water
and approx. 500 ml corrosion protection G12+.
Please replace every 12 months!
Provide 1st bucket.
2. laser machine is on. Cooling unit off!
3. remove the hose from the cooling unit inlet and insert it into the bucket.
4. hold the hose and switch on the cooling unit.
5. when the warning tone sounds, switch off the cooling unit.
6. reconnect the hose to the cooling appliance inlet.
7. unscrew the three-way connector for the inlet (silver) at the top.
8. Pour in approx. 2.5 l dist. Pour in approx. 2.5 liters of distilled water.
9. then pour in approx. 0.5 l G12+ corrosion protection.
10. Fill in the remaining distilled water from the 5 l canister.
11. switch the cooling unit on again.
12. water level at the back must be in the green area.
13. finished!