Calibrate 16 MP camera - ready for a perfect positioning of your engraving in just 5 minutes!
So you calibrate a 16 MP camera in your laser! After installing the camera, it must now be calibrated. 1. For this we open lightburn and click on the tool for "Calibrate camera lens". Now we fol...
Install 16 MP camera - preparation for a perfect positioning of your engraving!
So you build a 16 MP camera in your laser! In this video we lead you step by step by installing a 16 MP camera into the CO₂ laser machine Nova 35. We will show you: The correct selection of...
Cut the acrylic 5 mm correctly
Cut the acrylic 5 mm correctly How do I find the right parameters for my machine? If you bought it from a specialist dealer and not in the hardware store, th...
Find out how to clean the lens and mirror of your Nova in this short video.
So you get a nice contrast! 1. first insert the unwinding device. 2. then insert the glass. 3. align the unwinder - left side - right side 4. align the glass horizontally 5. fix glass...
Max. Diameter with one unwinding device
What is the maximum diameter of a bottle or jar that I can process on a NOVA 24 with a dispenser? This is a frequently asked question. According to the data sheet, the NOVA 24 has a Z-axis travel ...